
Introducing useful information

Introducing the latest information and training methods

Hemiplegia associated with cerebral infarction can be expected to recover to some extent depending on rehabilitation training. We will explain what kind of actions lead to functional maintenance, what kind of rehabilitation method continuation leads to functional recovery, and so on. I will try to write practical information as much as possible.

  • Tokyo Bigsight

    Exhibited at International Welfare Equipmen...

    LAP Co., Ltd. exhibited the Power Assist series at the "48th International Welfare Equipment Exhibition" to be held at Tokyo Big Sight from November 10th (Wednesday) to November 12th (Fri...
  • LAP Co., Ltd.

    Exhibition Information 2020.10.14-11.13 Kan...

    We are opening an exhibition booth at Kanagawa Robot Innovation 2020. Date: October 14th (Wednesday) -November 13th (Friday), 2020 (online) Please register for admission using the QR ...
  • LAP Co., Ltd.

    Please be careful about new coronavirus inf...

    Because the new coronavirus infection is currently prevalent Please take good care of yourself.
  • LAP Co., Ltd.

    Experience meeting information 2020.1.25 Fr...

    We will hold a free trial session of the Power Assist series. Date and time: Saturday, January 25, 2020 from 13:00 to 15:00 Opening: Amyu Atsugi 5th floor
  • LAP Co., Ltd.

    Exhibition Information 2020.2.5-2.7 Technic...

    We will exhibit at the technical show Yokohama 2020. Date and time: February 5th (Wednesday), 6th (Thursday), 7th (Friday), 2020 from 10:00 to 17:00 Opening: Pacifico Yokohama Exhibit...
  • LAP Co., Ltd.

    I was interviewed by NHK "Hirumae Hotto".

    I was interviewed by NHK "Hirumae Hotto". I was interviewed by Power Assist Hand, Broadcast is scheduled for September 3rd. * Comprehensive Every Monday to Friday 11:05 am (some areas)
  • LAP Co., Ltd.

    We will exhibit at the 10th Medtech Japan 2018

    Medtech Japan allows suppliers and medical device manufacturers to actively collect information and negotiate business. It will be held as one of the largest specialized exhibitions in A...
  • LAP Co., Ltd.

    We will exhibit at the 24th General Welfare...

    We will exhibit at the booth of Eas Co., Ltd. Dates: April 19th (Thursday), 20th (Friday), 21st (Saturday), 2018 Hours: 10: 00-17: 00 Venue: INTEX Osaka Booth No. 2-433 Eas Co., Ltd. ...
  • LAP Co., Ltd.

    Exhibited at 2017 International Robot Exhib...

    We will exhibit at "Kanagawa Robot Innovation 2017" hosted by Kanagawa Prefecture, which will be held at the 2017 International Robot Exhibition. At the International Robot Exhibition, i...
  • LAP Co., Ltd.

    Exhibition of medical x manufacturing techn...

    Engaged in the medical device industry with the aim of promoting the medical device industry here (1) Medical personnel, research institutes such as universities, (2) Medical device manuf...
  • LAP Co., Ltd.

    Exhibited at Robofesta for Youth

    We will exhibit at "Robofesta for Youth" sponsored by Kanagawa Prefecture. Various robots gather from companies and schools. Learn while having fun seeing, touching, and touching robot ...


  • You can apply for a free trial of Power Assist Hand by phone.

    query_builder 2021/11/18
  • If paralysis remains due to sequelae such as cerebral infarction, accident, or injury

    query_builder 2021/11/16
  • Exhibited Power Assist Series at International Welfare Equipment Exhibition

    query_builder 2021/11/11
  • If you are looking for finger rehabilitation equipment, go to the exhibition

    query_builder 2021/10/29
  • A device that assists finger rehabilitation in the aftereffects of cerebral infarction

    query_builder 2021/10/28



The more you do strength training in sports, the more you can expect some results. Therefore, even those who are not good at ball games due to lack of spatial cognitive ability can aim for good results in athletics where physical function is important. This also applies to functional recovery training, and the more time you have for training, the more you can expect a reasonable recovery. However, if you continue to overtrain or apologize for the heavy physical load, you may hurt yourself before you can recover. Therefore, I will explain the tips and correct methods of functional recovery training that is performed on a daily basis.